AML/KYC Policy

Here's our Anti-Money Laundering Policy


Banffpay LIMITED supports a culture of compliance and strives to meet all obligations required to operate as a Money Services Business. Voluntary self-declarations of non-compliance (VSDONC) in which the Company informs FINTRAC that the Company has not met certain requirements is also encouraged. This document's purpose is to meet all the required documentation for a Money Service Business (“MSB”) Compliance Policies and Procedures, in accordance with the relevant legislation.

Banffpay is committed to implementing sound anti-money laundering policies and procedures which will ensure that it is not used as a conduit for money laundering or financing of other illicit businesses. We seek to protect the company against fraud, reputational and other financial market risks, and to protect the integrity of the business against all forms of abuse, fraudulent and unfair trade practices.

Business/Customer Acceptance Policy

Banffpay will adopt the following criteria for business/customer relationship:

  1. Banffpay will not open an account in anonymous or fictitious names.
  2. Banffpay will accept customers only after verifying their identity, as laid down in the KYC Procedures.
  3. Parameters of risk perception shall be clearly defined in terms of the nature of business activity, location of business and clients, mode of payments, volume of turnover, social and financial status etc, to enable customer and business risk categorization.
  4. The nature and extent of Due Diligence to be carried out on the business or customer will depend on the risk classification of the business/customer. Normal Due Diligence will be carried out on all categories of business/customer, while higher risk business/customer will undergo Enhanced Due Diligence.

Banffpay shall close an existing account or shall not open a new account where it is unable to apply appropriate business/customer due diligence measures or unable to verify the identity and/or obtain documents required as per the risk categorization due to noncooperation of the business/customer or non-reliability of data/information furnished to Banffpay.

Customer Identification/Know Your Customer Policy

  1. Prior to establishing business relationship with a prospective customer, Banffpay will obtain sufficient information about the customer, necessary to establish to its satisfaction the identity of the customer and the purpose and nature of the business that the customer expects to undertake.
  2. It will normally carry out Due Diligence on all customers and Enhanced Due Diligence on higher risk customers.

Due Diligence Measures:

Banffpay will:

  1. Identify its customers (whether permanent or occasional; natural or legal persons; or legal arrangements) and verify the customers' identities using reliable, independently sourced documents, data or information. The nature of information/documents required would depend on the type of customer (Individual, corporate, etc).
  2. For customers that are natural persons, Banffpay shall obtain sufficient identification data to verify the identity of the customer, his address/location; and also his recent photograph.
  3. In respect of customers that are legal persons or legal arrangements, Banffpay will take steps to;
  4. Verify the legal status of the legal person or legal arrangement by obtaining proof of incorporation from the incorporation authorities or similar evidence of establishment or existence and any other relevant information.
  5. Identify the beneficial-owner and take reasonable measures to verify his/her identity using relevant information or data obtained from a reliable source, to satisfy itself that it knows who the beneficial owner is.
  6. Verify any person purporting to have been authorized to act on behalf of such a customer by obtaining evidence of his/her identity verifying the identity of such a person; and
  7. Determine whether or not a customer is acting on behalf of another person. Where the customer is acting on behalf of another person, Banffpay will take reasonable steps to obtain sufficient identification data and to verify the identity of that other person.

Money Laundering/Terrorism Financing Risk Assessment Process

Banffpay adopts risk-based approach that are commensurate with the specific risks of money laundering and terrorist financing. Higher money laundering risks demand stronger controls. However, all categories of risk — whether low, medium or high — must be mitigated by the application of applicable controls as provided in this policy, such as verification of customer identification, Know Your Customer (KYC) policies, and so on.

The ensuing paragraphs provide a framework for identifying the degree of potential ML/TF risks associated with specific customers and transactions in order to ensure focused monitoring of those customers and transactions that potentially pose the greatest risks of ML/TF.

Identifying Specific Risk Categories

Attempts to conduct illegal activities through Banffpay may come from many different sources throughout the system. Certain products, services, agents, and geographic locations in which the company operates may be particularly vulnerable or may have been historically used by criminals for ML/TF activities.

Risk Assessment

The purpose of the Risk Assessment is to ensure that the Company remains compliant with the relevant legislation and to assess the risks linked to the Company's business activities and clients. The Company follows a risk-based approach (RBA) cycle in order to identify and mitigate ML/TF risks.

A two-pronged assessment must be conducted during an RBA cycle exercise: A business-based risk assessment and relationship-based risk assessment (together, the “Risk Assessments”).

Risk Assessments will be conducted prior to the Commencement Date, and 6 months after the Commencement Date. After that, Risk Assessments must be conducted every two-years starting from the Commencement Date. For clarity, if the Commencement date is December 02, 2022, then the Risk Assessments must occur December 02, 2024, December 02, 2026, etc. The Compliance Officer will add reminder in their calendar (Outlook, Google etc.) for each of the dates.

Relationship-based assessment will help identify where risks occur across business lines, clients or products or services. This is important in the Company's industry because of the constant innovation and changing processes of virtual currency. The individual conducting the risk assessment must be aware of the changing virtual currency landscape.

Products, Services and Delivery Channels

The risk assessment must consider any services and delivery channels that are provided and used during the course of business. The Compliance Officer should be aware of the constant innovation and change in technology associated with virtual currency, creating an inherent risk to the business. In evaluating the ML/TF risk with respect to products, services and delivery channels, the following become relevant:

Does a particular product or service, new or current:

  1. Have an especially high transactions or investment value or involves international transaction?
  2. Allow payments to third parties?
  3. Have unusual complexity?
  4. Require government verification of agent eligibility?
  5. Allow the agent to be treated anonymously?
  6. Is highly cash intensive?

Risk Based Approach to Customer Identification

Banffpay will put in place systems, processes and controls using a risk-based approach to enable it to identify, monitor and manage the money laundering and terrorist financing using the following criteria:

Does a particular product or service, new or current:

  1. Customer characteristics
  2. Geography
  3. Products and Services
  4. Require government verification of agent eligibility?
  5. Delivery Channels
  6. Other Risk variables

In each case, the criteria may be modified by other risk variables specific to any particular customer or transaction and may include but not limited to:

  1. Size of transaction
  2. Length of relationship and regularity of contact
  3. Familiarity with a jurisdiction
  4. Nature/Line of business

Using these criteria and risk variables, customers will be classified into three risk categories namely High, medium and Low based on the money laundering risk that they pose.

The risk categorization will determine the extent of Customer Due Diligence including customer identification, identity verification and any additional customer information as well as on-going monitoring that is required for a customer; in a way that ensures that Banffpay focuses its efforts where it is needed and will have most impact and minimizes the discomfiture to customers.

Matrix and Rating

The Company will engage in a three-level scoring system, displayed below. As the business matures, this scoring system should change and must be reviewed during any reviews of the Compliance Program.

Banffpay will apply reduced or simplified measures when identifying and verifying the identity of customers categorized as low risks. There are low risks in circumstances where the risk of money laundering or terrorist financing is lower, where information on the identity of the customer and the beneficial owner or a customer is publicly available or where adequate checks and controls exist elsewhere in national systems.

Customers' that are likely to pose higher than average risk to Banffpay may be categorized as high risk depending on customer's background, nature and location of activity, country of origin, sources of funds etc. Banffpay will perform enhanced due diligence for higher-risk categories of customers, business relationships or transactions.

Examples of higher-risk customer categories where Enhanced Due Diligence will be applied include:

  1. Non- Resident customers
  2. Private Banking (High Net worth) customers
  3. Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs)
  4. Trusts, Charities, and NGOs
  5. Companies that have nominee shareholders or shares in bearer form
  6. Firms with sleeping partners
  7. Non-face-to-face customers
  8. Non-traditional financial entities, including currency exchange houses, money transmitters and check cashing facilities
  9. Bureau De Change
  10. Client Designated Accounts
  11. Companies that are part of unusual or complicated corporate or trust structures particularly those that involve several different jurisdictions. This includes international business companies and trust set up in poorly regulated off-shore jurisdictions, particularly those that have limited registration and regulatory requirements including the ability to issue bearer shares.
  12. Customers who intend to carry out unusually high-value transactions or a high volume of low-value transactions.
  13. Other High-Risk Individuals or Business Types
    1. Individuals or firms who are or have been involved in any of the following
    2. Unregulated investment or banking schemes, including pyramid selling;
    3. The manufacture or sale of armaments;
    4. The extraction, refining, shipping or sale of oil, gas or related products;
    5. Dealing with dangerous, radioactive or toxic substances which may carry substantial human or environmental risks.
    6. ndividuals who have been accused or convicted of a serious crime
    7. Individuals who have been directors of insolvent companies or made personally bankrupt;
    8. Individuals where a professional adviser, regulator or trusted contact has expressed concern,
    9. Individual whose business or source of wealth involves activities susceptible to money laundering (e.g. casinos, gambling, nightclubs).
    10. Car, Used cars and boat dealers
    11. Travel agencies
    12. Brokers and dealers
    13. Jewel, Gem, and precious metal dealers
    14. Import/Export companies
    15. Cash-intensive businesses
    16. Individuals or firms based in or conducting business with countries associated with terrorist financing, Drug production and trafficking

Updating the Risk Assessment

  1. HIGH: Quarterly;
  2. MEDIUM: Half Yearly;
  3. LOW: Yearly.

Should circumstances however dictate a review of an account in any of the categories, this can be conducted at any time more frequently than as set out above.

Banffpay will take a risk based approach to the rating of each customer and this will in turn affect the level of KYC information collected. This would include not only the level of documentation held but also the number and content of additional checks performed over the Internet or by obtaining media information. These factors may alter the Banffpay's perceived rating and the risk level altered accordingly.


Periodically throughout the client relationship, the Compliance Officer should consider the purpose and intended nature of the relationship. Doing so will help understand the clients' activities and transaction patterns, in order to determine their level of ML/TF risk.

Politically Exposed Persons

“Politically Exposed Persons” (PEPs) are individuals who are or have been entrusted with prominent public functions in any country, for example Heads of national or subnational government, senior politicians, senior government appointees, judicial or military officials, senior executives of government-owned corporations, important political party officials and any “close associate” of a senior political figure (local/foreign). PEP also include persons who are or have been entrusted with a prominent function by an international organization, including members of senior management including directors, deputy directors and members of the board or equivalent functions other than middle ranking or more junior individuals. Business relationships with family members or close associates of PEPs involve reputation risks similar to those with PEPs themselves.

What is the risk in doing business with PEP?

Accepting and managing funds from corrupt PEPs can severely damage Banffpay's own reputation and can undermine public confidence in the ethical standards of Banffpay, since such cases usually receive extensive media attention and strong political reaction.

In addition, Banffpay may be subject to costly information requests and seizure orders from law enforcement or judicial authorities (including international mutual assistance procedures in criminal matters) and could be liable to actions for damages by the state concerned or the victims of a regime.

Under certain circumstances, Banffpay and/or its officers and employees themselves can be exposed to charges of money laundering, if they know or should have known that the funds stemmed from corruption or other serious crimes.

Where to begin as with most aspects of compliance, the place to begin is with a risk assessment. Banffpay conducts a risk assessment of its products/services, customers, and geographies where business is conducted. The outcome of this assessment forms the basis of a PEP/KYC compliance program.

PEP Risk Assessment

Banffpay assesses the risks posed to its Banking activities on the basis of the scope of operations and the complexity of Banffpay's customers' relationships. Management establishes a risk profile for each customer to be used in prioritizing oversight resources and for ongoing monitoring of relationship activities.

The following factors are considered when identifying risk characteristics of Politically Exposed Persons:

  1. Nature of the customer and the customer's business- The source of customer's wealth, the nature of the business and the extent to which the business history presents an increased risk for money laundering and terrorist financing.
  2. Purpose and activity- The size, purpose, types of accounts, products, and services involved in the relationship, and the anticipated activity of the account.
  3. Relationship- The nature and duration of Banffpay's relationship (including relationships with affiliates) with the customer.

Risk Minimization

  1. Conducting detailed due diligence at the outset of the relationship and on an ongoing basis where they know or suspect that the business relationship is with a “politically exposed person”.
  2. Banffpay is more vigilant where its customers are involved in those businesses which appear to be most vulnerable to corruption, especially cash intensive transactions.
  3. Every effort is made to establish the source of wealth (including the economic activity that created the wealth) as well as the source of funds involved in the relationship – again establishing that these are legitimate, both at the outset of the relationship and on an ongoing basis.
  4. The development of a profile of expected activity on the business relationship so as to provide a basis for future monitoring. The profile would be regularly reviewed and updated.
  5. Close scrutiny of any unusual features, such as very large transactions, particular demands for secrecy.

Banffpay's obligations and position on PEP wallets before any account is opened for any PEP, Senior Management approval must be obtained. This will be done as part of account opening formalities. No account would be opened for any PEP without the approval being in place.

The customer due diligence efforts do not end at account opening; ongoing account monitoring is expected. Activities on PEP accounts will be reviewed on transactions related to them and filing, as appropriate, STRs related to them. Monthly returns will be sent to FINTRAC on PEP transactions. This is to assist the regulators in monitoring the activities of PEPs. Banffpay will take reasonable steps to ascertain the source of wealth and the source of funds of PEPs and report anomalies to FINTRAC and other relevant authorities.

On an annual basis, the distribution managers shall certify that none of the accounts reporting to them became PEP in the course of the year. In the event that any transaction is noted to be abnormal, such must be immediately flagged and reported to the Compliance Department immediately.

Compliance Training Program

Sole proprietors do not need a training program.

All of the Company's employees, or other individuals authorized to act on behalf of compliance officer, need either a compliance training program to be created for their training or have courses provided to them to teach them the compliance program, as required by law.

The Company will provide general AML training to its officers, employees to ensure awareness of the AML laws and regulations and this Policy. The training will include, at a minimum: how to identify potential signs of money laundering and to determine the appropriate corrective measure; what duties and responsibilities the officers, employees have in the Company's compliance efforts and how to perform such duties and responsibilities; escalation procedures; the Company's recordkeeping requirements; and disciplinary consequences for non-compliance with this Policy (up to and including termination).

Plan for the Compliance Program Review

The Compliance Officer must review the Compliance Program on the Compliance Program Review Date, every two years starting from the Commencement Date.

The following must be analyzed and tested during a Compliance Program review:

  1. Interviews with those handling transactions to evaluate their knowledge of your policies and procedures and related record keeping client identification and reporting requirements;
  2. a review of a sample of your records to assess whether your client identification policies and procedures are being followed;
  3. a review of transactions to assess whether suspicious transactions were reported to FINTRAC;
  4. a review of large cash transactions to assess whether they were reported to FINTRAC with accurate information and within the prescribed timelines;
  5. a review of electronic funds transfers to assess whether reportable transfers were reported to FINTRAC with accurate information and within the prescribed timelines (applicable to RE sectors that have EFT obligations);
  6. a review of a sample of your client records to see whether the risk assessment was applied in accordance with your risk assessment process;
  7. a review of a sample of your client records to see whether the frequency of your ongoing monitoring is adequate and carried out in accordance with the client's risk level assessment;
  8. a review of a sample of high-risk client records to confirm that enhanced mitigation measures were taken;
  9. a review of a sample of your records to confirm that proper record keeping procedures are being followed;
  10. a review of your risk assessment to confirm that it reflects your current operations; and
  11. a review of your policies and procedures to ensure that they are up to date and reflect the current legislative requirements and that they reflect your current business practices.

The Compliance Officer must use their best judgment to determine if an interim review is needed based on changes to the business model or significant changes in client relationships. For example, adding employees (trigging a need for a compliance training plan) or servicing new types of clients (e.g., a high-net-worth client from a different jurisdiction).

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